C’est avec beaucoup d’enthousiasme que nous dévoilons aujourd’hui notre nouvelle identité visuelle ainsi que notre nouveau site internet. Il s’agit d’un changement d’image global pour notre organisation dont le premier logo avait vu le jour lors de sa création en 2000.
Après plus de deux décennies de constante évolution de l’IDDPNQL, nous modernisons notre image pour mieux refléter qui nous sommes. Cette refonte permet aussi de s’adapter aux nouvelles réalités numériques et nous doter de meilleurs outils.
Our new website, also launched today, aims to improve access to our full range of services and resources so that we can better support First Nations as they realize their visions for sustainable development.
Of course, our commitment to our mission remains unchanged, and our organization will continue to serve First Nations with passion and dedication.
What does the new logo stand for?
Found in many First Nations cultures, the feather is a powerful Indigenous symbol of courage, strength and respect. In our logo, the feather reaffirms our Indigenous identity and illustrates our commitment to and respect for different cultures. It also represents nature and wildlife.
The tree rings represent our connection to the land and the immutable bond between past and future generations. Our actions are rooted in the knowledge and traditions of past generations and are taken by weighing the impact on the land and future generations.
The rings also represent both the ripples of the water and the vibrations of the drum. The ripples in the water are a reminder of the impact of our actions on the land and living things. The vibrations of the drum evoke its unifying power and the undying connection, for First Nations, between land and culture. We are known for our ability to bring stakeholders together to support First Nations as they pursue sustainable development and set the conditions so that they can join forces to achieve this common goal.
The circle is a powerful symbol. It has no beginning and no end. It represents the cyclical nature of life and the seasons and stands for equity and the interconnectedness of land, animals and people. We recognize this interconnectedness and the fact that everyone has a role to play in achieving the goals of sustainable development. That’s why working with all stakeholders and respecting their knowledge and cultures is at the core of everything we do.
We are grateful for the contribution of our internal teams. Their cultural knowledge was essential to the strategic thinking process and the creation of this new image, particularly in terms of respecting our identity. We would also like to thank the experts at Dactylo Communication for their invaluable support throughout the process.
Our website also showcases the talent of Indigenous photographers from various First Nations. Their pictures transport us out onto the land, offering a chance to marvel at the plants and wildlife while also celebrating First Nations cultures. We thank them sincerely and encourage you to get to know these artists.
The rollout of our new brand image begins today. Please share this news with your network!
Wliwni, Meegwetch, Mikwetc, Miikwehch, Tshinashkumitin, Niá:wen, Wela’lin, Chiniskomiitin, Tiawenhk, Woliwon, Thank you!