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All you need to know about large fauna surveys

Why carry out an inventory? Where to start? Which method to choose?

This pre-recorded training course is aimed at people new to large wildlife surveys (caribou, moose, bear, etc.) who work for or with First Nations and want to learn more. When it was presented on September 12 and 13, 2023, 38 First Nations stakeholders participated.

Presentation of Large Fauna Survey Methods

Why carry out a wildlife inventory? What are the stages of an inventory? In this training course, Rebecca Lacerte answers these questions and presents three inventory methods: aerial inventories, inventories using DNA samples and inventories using automatic cameras.

By Rebecca Lacerte, PhD candidate, Université du Québec à Rimouski
Date of webinar: September 12, 2023

First Nation Experiences on Different Large Fauna Monitoring and Surveys 

Three presenters shared their initiatives and experiences in large fauna monitoring and surveys (video available soon):

Carrying out an aerial moose survey by Andréanne Lord, Environment specialist, Nation Anishnabe, Lac Simon

Recent survey and data acquisition projects and success factors by Annie-Claude Bélisle, Biologist, Abitibi8inni First Nation

Caribou monitoring on the territory by Jean-Luc Kanapé, Land and Atikᵘ guardian, Conseil des Innus de Pessamit

Date of webinar: September 13, 2023