First Nations mobilized to conserve biodiversity

Beyond the framework of the 2023 Nature Plan
This document, published on October 30, 2024, regroups First Nations actions and indicators in relation to the Quebec government’s 2030 Nature Plan.
Resulting from a long collaboration between First Nations and the FNQLSDI, this series of actions and indicators reflects their needs and their ambitions in terms of biodiversity conservation on their territories and on a Quebec-wide scale.
This document is designed to be an evolving tool, and may be adjusted according to future discussions between First Nations and the MELCCFP as part of the development of indigenous indicators.
The 2030 Nature Plan is the Quebec government’s main tool for achieving the global objectives of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. The final version of this plan was published on September 7, 2024, along with an action plan for the period 2024-2028.