Contribute to the active participation of First Nations in the implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework
As part of a mandate entrusted to us by the Assembly of First Nations (AFN), we participate in inter-regional exchanges on all aspects of biodiversity.
We ensure the active contribution and participation of First Nations in the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Our nature coordinator assumes this role via the First Nations Nature Table, which was set up by the AFN.

From COP15 to the Global Biodiversity Framework
Following COP15, held in Montreal from December 7 to 19, 2022, representatives from nearly 200 countries adopted the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. The Framework sets out the actions needed to halt the decline of biodiversity by 2030, and move towards recovery by 2050.
It is essential that First Nations actively contribute to and participate in the implementation of the Global Framework. The Assembly of First Nations has set up the Nature Table. The latter aims to foster pan-Canadian communication on First Nations biodiversity issues and provide a platform for discussion with the federal government.

Informing First Nations
In order for First Nations to actively contribute to and participate in the implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework, they must be aware of its content, and above all, they must be able to express their priorities in this regard. With this in mind, we invited First Nations to take part in our information and reflection webinar “Why should you care about the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework?
The aim of the webinar was to present an overview of the content of the Global Framework, i.e. all the targets, and to hear First Nations’ thoughts, needs, questions and priorities. The video presented here is a pre-recorded version of the webinar without the participants’ interventions.