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Bringing community composting to Listuguj First Nation

A joint project with the Listuguj First Nation

We’ve been working with the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government since 2018 to set up their composting facility. We conducted a prefeasability study, supported the infrastructure design and helped plan operations.

When the project launched in 2022, we provided training and tools to help the community manage the composting facility. This included an operational guide, awareness materials and an online data monitoring tool, all tailored to the Listuguj facility.

"I'm proud to be part of the change and to encourage people to do better, and I'm happy to be surrounded by people who share my views on protecting the environment. Finding and remembering our way can help us solve problems. Like plastic, for example, which hasn't been around for very long."

Marie-Christine Roussel-GrayListuguj

Positive local impact for Listuguj First Nation

Over 25 tonnes of organic material composted

Jobs created for community members

Compost distributed to community members and community garden

Community became empowered to manage organic waste