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First Nations Reunite For the As the Water Flows Workshop

December 8 2023

Indigenous leadership and knowledge sharing on the theme of aquatic environments.

From December 5 to 6, 2023, 30 participants representing seven Nations and 17 communities gathered at the Grand Lodge Hotel in Mont-Tremblant for the “As The Water Flows” First Nations workshop.

This workshop was opportunity to share their knowledge and experience on Indigenous leadership in the implementation of aquatic environment restoration projects. The rich and varied presentations covered a wide range of topics, including:

  • Lhe DFO regional process surrounding the Framework for Identifying Fish Habitat Restoration Priorities
  • Restoring aquatic environments in southern and northern Quebec
  • Marine and coastal restoration challenges and projects in Quebec
  • Aquatic desertification as a problem of forest roadways

The workshop also provided an opportunity to discuss aquatic restoration issues, threats and priorities, networking among First Nations and with members of Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s (DFO) Fish and Habitat Protection Branch.

Participants expressed concern about the safety of fish consumption, the decline in fish abundance when habitats are disturbed, and the various initiatives affecting aquatic environments. Lack of consistent financial support was identified as a major obstacle to restoration projects.

Finally, a technical demonstration on the use of an aquatic drone on the shores of Lac Ouimet brought the event to a close.

We would like to extend our warmest thanks to all the people and organizations who contributed to the success of this event.

Many thanks also to presenters and panelists: Suzanne Mark, Manager, Partnerships and Integrated Planning, The Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program – Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Marie-Hélène Gendron, Senior Biologist, Restoration and Ecological Focus Area, The Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program – Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Timothy Law, Environmental Consultation Advisor – Mohawk Council of Kahnawà: ke, Pierre-Luc Bastien, Biologist – Kitigan Zibi Natural Resources and Wildlife Office, Keelan Jacobs, Biologist – MELCCFP, Dominic Savard, Wildlife Technician – AECOM, Conrad André Kapesh, Cultural Agent – Matimekush-Lac John, Sylvain Daraiche, Biologist, Project Manager – AECOM, Billy Shecanapish, Environmental Officer – Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach, Simon Tremblay, Master’s student in hydrogeomorphology – UQAC, Amélie Jomphe, ASR Technician – Pêcheries Shipek. Sandra Autef, Project manager – The Mi’gmaq Wolastoqey Indigenous Fisheries Management Association (MWIFMA), Daniel Sigouin, Ecologist, Team leader – Forillon National Park, Fabien Hugues, Hydrogeomorphologist – AECOM, Stéphane Clermont , Project Manager,- Centre des Ressources Territoriales – Faune & Écosystèmes Manawan – , Stello Ottawa, Coordinator – Faune & Écosystèmes Manawan, Casimir Boivin, Wildlife technician and technical support manager – Faune & Écosystèmes Manawan.

Planning for the follow-up to this workshop is already underway, with a second gathering scheduled for February 25, 2025.