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First engagement event on the implementation of the UNDRIP Act

17 February 2023

The first in a series of engagement events on the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (UNDRIP Act) concluded yesterday in Montreal.

More than 70 people—including Chiefs, elected officials and other First Nations representatives from 26 communities and three tribal councils—participated in this hybrid event from February 14 to 16, 2023.

The presentations, breakout sessions and plenary sessions for this first engagement event on the implementation of the UNDRIP Act helped us gain a better understanding of the priorities and expectations of First Nations for the federal government’s Action Plan to implement this legislation.

We want self-determination to be recognized, not implemented.

Chef Montour lors de la séance de discussion sur les priorités dans la mise en œuvre de la DNUDPA.

It was also an opportunity to discuss the legislation’s impact on communities and further inform them about Justice Canada’s processes.

We would like to thank everyone who participated in these sessions for attending and sharing their thoughts. We’re pleased with the meetings and connections made over the three days and are proud to work with First Nations to ensure that their voices are heard and respected.

This event is part of the mandate we received from the AFNQL in September 2022 to carry out a project on self-determination, identify the priorities of AFNQL member First Nations and formulate recommendations on the federal government’s action plan for implementing the UNDRIP Act.