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A historic forestry cooperation agreement for Abitibiwini First Nation

A joint project with Abitibiwini First Nation

We supported the Abitibiwinni First Nation in its negotiations with GreenFirst Forest Products from 2020 to 2022. The negotiations finally concluded with a landmark collaboration agreement signed on December 1, 2022.

The agreement now stands as the first impact and benefit agreement for logging in Quebec. It includes measures to protect sites of interest, as well as mechanisms to increase employment and business opportunities for the members of Abitibiwinni First Nation.

Monik KistabishChief of the Abitibiwinni First Nation Council

James CananassoDeputy Chief of the Abitibiwinni First Nation Council

Ensuring proper management of natural resources

We continue to work with Abitibiwini First Nation to implement the agreement and make sure that the mitigation, accommodation and compensation measures for the impact the company’s activities could have on Abitibiwinni aki land and rights are fully implemented.

A landmark agreement that sets the standard for working together to minimize the impact of logging

Getting out on the land

The agreement includes measures to make it easier for members of Abitibiwinni First Nation to be out on the land

Protecting sites

There are also measures to protect sites of interest so that members of Abitibiwinni First Nation can practice traditional activities

Creating jobs

The agreement includes measures to train and employ members of the community to work on the logging project

Promoting business opportunities

Measures are in place to foster business opportunities for Abitibiwinni companies

Working together

The agreement formalized the partnership between Abitibiwinni First Nation and Chantiers Chibougamau's La Sarre sawmill