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ᐅᑎᐲ – Utipii

Utipii is the fourth in a series of four comic books about renewable energy in First Nations communities. In the book, Carole Bérubé-Therrien (Matimekush-Lac-John) and Alaniss Matte (Pessamit) are warmly welcomed to Oujé-Bougoumou, in Cree territory. They discover the story of a visionary community that has chosen to use forest biomass, the energy of the earth, to live in harmony with the land.

ᐅᑎᐲ UTIPII means root in iiyiyuu ayimuun (Southern Cree). In this story, the root is symbolic of a community finding its place again after multiple upheavals. ᐅᑎᐲ UTIPII is also about how the land nurtures language and culture. Just as roots connect all the plants in a forest, this underground network brings warmth and connects the houses in Oujé-Bougoumou.