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Area of expertise


Ecosystem and species conservation

Protecting land and ensuring species survival

We provide practical support for the development and implementation of land, marine and freshwater conservation initiatives and can help you monitor plant and wildlife populations.

We also support efforts to establish public or private protected areas, from the early stages of project ideation through to completion. And we work to ensure that First Nations issues and concerns are more fully addressed by government conservation initiatives and programs.

A call for proposals from the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP)

The MELCCFP is launching a call for proposals for protected areas in public southern territory, in response to the Quebec government’s commitment to conserve 30% of the province’s continental and marine environments by 2030.

Do you have a protected area project? Consult the sections below to find out more.

Who is this call for projects aimed at?

The call for projects is open to all Quebec’s population and First Nations wishing to submit a project for a protected area in public, continental or marine territory, with the exception of territories in the Nord-du-Québec region (administrative region 10).

What is the FNQLSDI's role in this call for projects?

Our role in the call for projects is specific to First Nations and consists of :

  • Promoting the call for projects
  • Promoting mobilization, but above all
  • Playing a key advisory and support role

Interested in submitting a protected area project?

We are available to support you in your efforts. Whether you need information on the call for projects or assistance with the submission process, please contact us by e-mail by clicking on the link below, or by telephone at 418-843-9999.

Tools and resources

Wondering what we can do to support you?